Wednesday, February 8, 2012

Five SEO Tools

Jungle Torch:-Jungle Torch is the brainchild of digital professionals who combine more than a century of search, social media and web experience.

Google Adwords Keyword Tool:- is great for finding new keywords to use in search. I always come back to this one because I also do a bit of PPC for a client.

Google’s BlogSearch can be particularly good for finding blogs so you can keep an eye on the homepage in case a new and relevant post pops up where you could get a link. If you’re using Google alerts, you might even set some up for the blogs that you see there.

Touch Graph allows you to visualize related topics. You put in a topic and it returns all kinds of related data such as phrases used for related searches and domains that are related.

Uber Suggest is powered by Google Suggest. You can select the language you want, whether you want to search the Web, news, or products, and get a downloadable text file. If you click on a result, you get deeper results and it’s all nicely alphabetized. This is great for discovery ideas for both pursuing link targets and generating ideas for guest posts and content.



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